Darci Baker is a thirty-something schoolteacher who’s really looking forward to traveling with her boyfriend to attend her sister’s wedding in Thailand. Except for the fact that she’s just been informed that budget cuts are likely to make her an ex-schoolteacher. And on her way to the airport, she happens to catch her boyfriend in bed with their travel agent, which instantly makes him her ex-boyfriend.
So now Darci Baker is a thirty-something ex-schoolteacher, with an ex-boyfriend, who’s not really looking forward to traveling alone to attend her sister’s wedding in Thailand.
Once she gets there, Darci finds her instincts were right on the money. She receives the obligatory sympathies from her parents and siblings, and the usual lectures about not settling for the wrong guy. Not that Darci’s mom and sisters haven’t made their own mistakes. In fact, as they enjoy a pre-wedding massage, the subject of the girl talk has each of them recounting their most embarrassing walk of shame—that lonely walk taken by a woman “the morning after” an impromptu hook-up. While the others readily share their escapades, Darci proudly informs them she has never walked that particular walk, and has never indulged in a one-night stand.
The wedding reception proves to be everything that Darci anticipated. Her bridesmaids’ dress couldn’t be any pinker or pouf-fier. When it comes time to catch the bridal bouquet, Darci doesn’t have any competition. Literally. They just hand it to her. Although, things could be worse. Those big fruity exotic drinks are pretty good, and go down smooth. And there is that waiter, who just gets cuter and cuter every time he hands Darci another drink.
And then, things were worse.
Early the next morning, Darci wakes up in a strange hotel room, her dress hanging by the window, the bright tropical sun casting a hellish pink glare that cuts deep into her hung-over brain.
Not only will Darci be taking her first walk of shame, but her entire family will have front row seating for the premiere event.
Checking her watch, Darci realizes it’s early enough for her to get back to the hotel, sneak into the room, shower and change, make it to the wedding brunch, and no one will be any the wiser.
And so begins the walk.
Darci soon realizes it’s not going to be quite as easy as she hoped. To make it back in time, she faces an obstacle course of hurdles that would make a hardcore Marine fall to his knees and sob like a baby. But like the Marines, Darci has her reputation to uphold, and nothing is going to stop her from trying to erase what she considers to be the biggest mistake of her life.
If Darci has anything to do with it, this walk won’t be one of shame, but it is going to be a walk to remember…
Melissa Joan Hart Explains “Darci!”
Hi, Everyone!
First of all, I want to thank you so much for checking out this page. We are really excited to be on Kickstarter and even more excited about the prospect of making the movie, “Darci’s Walk of Shame.”
When Tibor gave me this script, I fell in love! With the plot, with the story and with the character. Darci is a very flawed woman who is just looking for love and happiness, not unlike everyone I have ever met. By playing Darci, I will get the chance to once again be in a fun and hilarious Rom-Com much like Drive Me Crazy...only all grown up and having a roll in the hay with the hot actors in the film! For those of you out there that still love and adore Sabrina, Clarissa and my new show Melissa & Joey, I promise that this comedy will deliver the laughs and silliness that you have come to know and expect from me and my taste in projects. I know it seems like a leap of faith but I am asking you to do what Hollywood won't, and that is to take a chance on me as the lead of a romantic comedy film. The more money we raise, the more likely this film will reach numerous movie theaters and impress those same Hollywood execs that have caused a stumbling block in my path to a more serious film career. For more info on the movies plot line and the prizes for your pledge amounts keep reading!
“Darci’s Walk of Shame” is the story of a woman who can’t seem to find the right guy. She’s stuck in a pattern of bad relationships and is constantly under the scrutiny of her entire extended family. When she takes a trip to a tropical resort to attend her sister’s wedding…alone, she makes a snap decision to take a risk and step outside the box and wakes up alone in a stranger’s bed, left to find her way back to her family and take a very long, confusing walk of shame in a ridiculously bright colored taffeta bridesmaid’s gown through the island paradise. Darci spends the rest of the movie trying to undo what she thinks is the biggest mistake of her life.
Why Kickstarter? It’s pretty obvious by now that it can be done (congratulations, Rob and Kristin on your Veronica Mars success)! Like them, we are happy to have an agreement for our movie to be distributed for us by the great people at Millennium Entertainment. What does that mean? It means that with your help, we have a very good chance that you will see “Darci’s Walk of Shame” at a theater near you! And then in the privacy of your home.
We’re planning to film ‘Darci’ in a place where you can make a movie for 2 million (well, a little less after the fees collected by the Kickstarter people). Somewhere like Thailand or the Caribbean. We’ll keep you informed. Please know if we are lucky enough to raise the money, any money over our target goal will go directly into the budget of the movie. No one is getting rich on this one! A few more dollars could mean a better supporting cast, maybe even a black cat! (Maybe not) Just be aware that every dollar you pledge will make this the best film it can be.
So to recap: “Darci’s Walk of Shame.” Funny, sexy, screwball, adult, romantic comedy. No magic. No black cat. Enormous fun. Need your help! Spead the word! Thank you from the bottom of my Hart!
P.S. – Keep checking back: we plan to have more rewards in the next couple of weeks! We’ll also give updates of our progress to all our backers!
If we reach our Kickstarter funding goal, we will film “Darci’s Walk of Shame” late September of 2013 for a mid-2014 release date.
All monies pledged will go into a “Darci’s Walk of Shame” production account.
We will be using the services of a professional fulfillment company to make sure everyone gets their rewards in a timely manner. Reward items will be made available as follows:
Script PDF – Emailed to you beginning on the day the film is released.
T-Shirts – Our T-Shirt will be designed as production (filming) gets underway. We will begin shipping as they are delivered to us, and we get your size information.
DVD – This item will ship approximately one month after the film is released.
**If you order any combo pack that involves the DVD or a hard copy of the script, they will be put in one shipment after the film’s initial release.
Movie Poster – Same as T-Shirts. Except we don’t need your size for a poster.
Signed items; posters, scripts – We will begin shipping when available, but no later than one week after the end of the initial release of the film.
Travel Awards:
1. Set visits— As we finalize our shooting schedule, we will contact you and provide a list of suggested dates. Please remember that we may be shooting overseas, so you will need to travel two (2) days before you are scheduled to visit our set.
2. Premiere and party – Once we are done with post-production, we will schedule a tentative date for our premiere and after-party. We promise to give you adequate notice for your travel arrangements.
Video and audio awards – The voicemail greetings and the wedding video will be delivered at the end of production/shooting.
More information (some repetition):
- Travel, lodging and transportation to events and set visits not included in any package, except where specified.
- Must be over 18 or accompanied by parent or legal guardian to attend events or set visit, and you must have a valid passport for travel to the set.
- Some rewards may require additional paperwork. The rewards that you will receive depend on the amount that you contribute to this project. See Awards List attached.
- All contributions will be deposited in an account of a Nevada corporation. The Nevada corporation will be solely responsible for production of the movie and distributional of the awards.
- Distribution schedule not finalized and subject to change.
***Please note: We are pleased to be able to offer our awards to international backers, but please be aware that we cannot provide a DVD or digital download to anyone outside the U.S. or Canada. If you are outside of the U.S. or Canada and would like to purchase ANY awards package that includes the DVD or digital download, we will substitute another premium in its place at our discretion.
Risks and challenges
Darci’s Walk of Shame is subject to all the usual risks and challenges of making a major motion picture. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. What we have working for us, is a seasoned team of motion picture and television professionals who have been plying their crafts for many, many years. We’ve got it covered from all angles: creative, production, business and marketing. The insurance and the usual legal documents will all be in place prior to the beginning of filming.
Our proposed shooting schedule is to begin production at the end of September, but is subject to change due to actors’ availabilities, such as whether Melissa and Joey starts early, or whether our leading man when one is chosen, is not available. Should all go according to plan, the film will be ready for release approximately in June of 2014.
We have already overcome one of the biggest hurdles in making a film, which is distribution. Millennium Entertainment is on board for United States and Canada, with worldwide territories to follow. It is our intention to have Darci’s Walk of Shame released in theaters. Please be aware we cannot guarantee a theatrical release due to the many factors that come into play, such as timing, competition and theater availabilities. All best efforts will be made.
Our rewards will be handled by a professional fulfillment house, who will carefully manage the distribution of our rewards in a most timely manner. The approximate dates of delivery are outlined in the award levels.
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